Saturday, February 5, 2011

Logo of our final movie

To make the opening title look more original, we made our own production house name. Constructing a logo was equally essential. After doodling and drawings one of our team mate Arif came up with an idea of making a square logo. Four sides and edges represented all the four team members in our group.

From the basic shapes in Adobe Illustrator, to adding filters and blending colors in it, this was the final shape we chose. The four different colors merging into each other show our individual  and completely different perspectives and thoughts combine together to form an even better and reformed idea and all the lines linked symbolize the unity in our group. . 
The name of our production house is AFAS. This name was made using the innitials of our names where S stands for Sama, F stands for Fatmah and two A's stand for Arif and Arika that is my name.

Than we came up with an idea of making this logo tumbling on to the screen and than the name of our production house appearing. This was achieved on after effects where we made this shape rotate on to screen and than stopping in  the middle Than the name of our production house appears just after the shape stops using Fade effect on the text. We plan to add sound effects on this logo too. The duration of this clip is 5 seconds. To make it look more professional, we used a lens flare effect moving on two sides forming an L. This showed that the logo shines after stopping due to the light. 

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