For our winter vacations we planned on visiting Pyramid Studios, a post production studio owned by the advertising company Inter flow to see how movies, commercials and drams are shot and edited. We started visiting the studio on December 22, 2010. On the first day they arranged an orientation for us where we were shown around different rooms and were classified into groups. We were to spend three days in each department. In this way we were to experience the editing room, audio room, 3D graphics room and 2D graphics room and learn the basics of professional production and how it is organized- this will help us with our final project. My class mate Afia Lateef and I were assigned to the audio room but since the person in charge of audio was late coming to work that day we were temporarily sent to the 3D graphics room where we were introduced to 3D Max Studio software. We were taught the basics about operating that software. On our first day we were told that the key to mastering a software is to spend as much time as we can to experiment with different graphics and shapes.
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