An inspiration of a suspense title that hits Fatmah is written below. This is somewhat like the story we first planned and this story does exudes thrill and suspense and no doubt we will make an interesting topic. but than it will mean we will have to go back and start our research from the very beginning. However we will keep this synopsis in mind and modify it
Her idea in her words:
Okay so here is an idea different from all what we have been discussing:
We are making an opening title so the first 3 minutes :
We can show a girl (a teenager) whose mouth is tapped with a white cloth and she can not open her mouth nor can she speak. We’ll show a close up of her face with her eyes closed (she is sleeping/or her eyes are just close), in dim natural light – showing evening time. Then suddenly a sound of footsteps will enter the room and she’ll be waken up by a man in mask and a wide shot will be shown, in which we’ll show an empty, dim lighted room and the girl was lying on the floor with her hands and feet tapped as well, the man who comes will angrily speak “Get up, it’s time for another recording that your father would like to see, who is getting late by every second in saving your useless life” she will be grabbed to the other room, her feet will be untied. The man takes her to another room where there is a chair and a camera on the tripod (wide shot) makes the girl sit on the chair. He turns on the camera and tells the girl to speak, the girl with scared, painful expression on her face begins to weep (close up shot) and says “Daddy please save me, they’ll kill me, please come and save me, I am scared, I want to come home, please” The man in the mask comes and puts a knife on her neck, and says “she does not have much time” (The camera here does not show the man’s face only a wide shot cutting the man’s head and only showing the girl) the film ends.
The Girl: she is wearing jeans, which are now very dirty, a T-Shirt or any top, which is also dirty and shred may be from a few places, her face is all messed up her hair are tangled and her face has dirt, black spots, bruises as well. This will represent that she has been kept a hostage for quite a few days.
The Man: The man is wearing dark colour clothes and a mask on his face with big boots, and has a scary Image.
The Room: the room will be a dark room, in which the window is the only source of light. We can shoot in a store room, or any empty class of our school, (A1-B) can be a good place.